
Drug Charge Lawyers: Your Best Defense

You deserve experienced, trial-tested drug charge lawyers to help protect your future. 

Drug crimes are some of the most commonly prosecuted crimes in Massachusetts and the penalties can be quite severe. When it comes to defending your rights and future, find a team of drug charge lawyers you can trust. Call the moment you realize you might be facing charges. A strong legal defense team will give you a plan and peace of mind when you need it most. 

If you or a loved one is facing drug charges, contact the Law Offices of Keren Goldenberg today to discuss the details of your case: online or by phone: 978-221-2503 (Lowell), 617-431-2701 (Belmont).

Massachusetts drug charges 

In Massachusetts, drug charges are divided into charges related to possession and charges for trafficking or distribution. Possession charges can be further broken down into possession or possession with intent to distribute. 

Possession with intent to distribute typically involves larger amounts of drugs as well as paraphernalia, large sums of money, or other items that can be used as evidence of drug distribution. 

Trafficking involves the distribution of large amounts of a drug and carries a mandatory minimum sentence. 

Your lawyer can further explain the charges you or your loved one are facing and what kind of sentencing may be involved.

Sentencing for drug charges

Sentencing severity depends on the type and quantity of drugs involved. Charges for possession with intent to distribute and trafficking carry much harsher penalties than charges for possession. 

A possession charge may be resolved in negotiations with the district attorney. However mandatory minimum sentencing means certain punishment is issued for trafficking charges even if a judge deems that punishment too severe for your case. 

No matter the severity of the crime or punishment, if you are charged with a drug crime of any kind, contact a drug charge lawyer immediately.

Possible defenses

Persistent, resourceful drug crimes lawyers will advocate for you and protect your interests in court. Some defenses may include challenging and filing motions to dismiss presented evidence; targeting procedural error; and/or arguing for favorable plea arrangements.

Experienced lawyers can look into whether unlawful search and seizure or insufficient evidence can be used as part of your defense, whether it can be argued that the drugs in question belonged to someone else, or that entrapment was at play.

Connect with a talented team of drug charge lawyers

A criminal record involving a drug charge can have a negative impact on a person’s life for many, many years. Fortunately, there are a number of strategies an experienced drug crime lawyer can employ to defend you. 

If you are facing criminal charges or are currently under investigation, you may have defenses available that aren’t immediately obvious to you. Contact the offices of Keren Goldenberg today to schedule a free, confidential phone consultation to discuss your case. 

The Law Offices of Keren Goldenberg are conveniently located in Lowell and Belmont, Massachusetts at the following addresses:

The Law Offices of Keren Goldenberg

97 Central St. #403

Lowell, MA 01852


The Law Offices of Keren Goldenberg

19A Alexander Ave.

Belmont, MA 02478
