
How a Drunk Driving Attorney Can Help

Arrested for driving under the influence? Here’s why you should hire an experienced drunk driving attorney to handle your OUI case. 

Operating under the influence (OUI) laws are complicated and ever-changing, and the facts of each case are unique. The best way to avoid an OUI charge is to avoid operating a vehicle after you’ve been drinking; the second-best way is to hire an experienced drunk driving attorney who understands the laws as they relate to your unique case. With a skillful attorney on your side, your chances of a more favorable outcome—less severe penalties or charges dropped completely—increase dramatically.

If you or a loved one has been arrested on an OUI charge, only the best defense will do. Contact the Law Offices of Keren Goldenberg today to discuss the details of your case: online or by phone: 978-221-2503 (Lowell), 617-431-2701 (Belmont).

Traffic stop laws and your rights as a driver

You failed to signal a turn on your way home from dinner and now you’re being ordered out of your vehicle for a field sobriety test. Sound familiar? Police are legally allowed to pull drivers over for any violation of the traffic code and use that violation as just-cause to ask how much you have had to drink, order you out of your vehicle, and ask you to perform a field sobriety test. 

You are legally allowed to refuse a field sobriety test; however, Massachusetts’ implied consent laws put drivers who wish to protect their innocence in a difficult position. In states with implied consent laws, penalties for refusing to take a breathalyzer test can be as severe as the punishments for being charged with an OUI.

You can be arrested not only for refusing to take a field sobriety test but also based on found evidence or driver behavior as probable cause. OUI charges depend on the driver’s blood alcohol content (BAC), but whether you are found to be at the legal limit or far above it, hiring an experienced drunk driving attorney is key to protecting your interests. 

When to hire a drunk driving attorney

Punishment for an OUI charge can be serious including loss of your license, mandatory drug and alcohol education programs, or possible confiscation of your vehicle. Once you’ve been arrested, it’s important to hire an experienced drunk driving attorney to evaluate the evidence against you and craft a smart defense. A drunk driving attorney should accompany you from your preliminary hearing all the way through the resolution of your case. 

Many OUI cases are resolved before trial. That said, an experienced OUI lawyer will be able to look at the evidence in your case and determine whether taking your case to trial or taking a plea deal will help you to gain a more favorable outcome. Your attorney can also assist beyond defending you in court by offering legal guidance as it relates to future employment background checks, obtaining high-risk insurance, and more.

Contact Keren Goldenberg to get advice on your case today. 

The Law Offices of Keren Goldenberg are conveniently located in Lowell and Belmont, Massachusetts at the following locations:

The Law Offices of Keren Goldenberg

97 Central St. #403

Lowell, MA 01852


The Law Offices of Keren Goldenberg

19A Alexander Ave.

Belmont, MA 02478
