
Best Law Firms in Boston — For Criminal Defense call Keren Goldenberg

When searching for the best law firms in Boston, here are the top 3 things to look for in criminal defense

Being charged with a crime can be stressful and overwhelming. It can make you or your loved one feel panicked and you can end up reaching for the first legal representation you can find. However, it’s important to know what to look for so that you can make an educated and informed decision. Below are three skills and/or qualities you should inquire about when you are speaking to different defense attorneys.

If you are searching for the best law firms in Boston, Massachusetts or the surrounding area, to help defend you in criminal charges, do not hesitate to contact the Law Office of Keren Goldenberg for a free consultation: (617) 431-2701.

When it comes to the best law firms in Boston, bigger isn’t always better

Criminal defense law firms can often bite off more than they can chew, the incentive being more cases and therefore more revenue. The size of the law firm does not necessarily indicate a higher caseload capacity. If you are searching for the best law firm in Boston, take the time to ask your potential attorney what their caseload management is like. You will want to know how many cases they work at a time and what sort of staff support they have. 

If they are unable to show you how they manage their cases and time, you may want to consider a different attorney. A criminal defense firm like the Law Office of Keren Goldenberg is extremely considerate and intentional about how many cases they are able to take on. This helps ensure each case gets the necessary attention and care to be properly strategized and defended.

Thorough investigating

It’s one thing to build your case around the evidence submitted by the prosecution, but it’s another to question the evidence and investigate further. In a criminal case, the police report is often the cornerstone of the prosecution’s case against the defendant. So when you are looking for the best law firm in Boston, make sure you inquire about their investigative practices. 

Through her many years of experience working as a public defender as well as in her own criminal defense practice, Keren Goldenberg has won cases because of her commitment to conducting her own investigations. Because of additional, private investigating, Goldenberg has been able to uncover new evidence, discover key witnesses, and poor or absent oversight from police enforcement in their own investigation of the case. 

Experience matters

It’s a given that the more time you spend dedicated to a practice, the better and more knowledgeable you become. When sorting through the top law firms in Boston or the surrounding area, inquire about how they specifically have won their cases. Were they straightforward cases, or were they won because the attorney was able to apply their deep and adaptable knowledge of the law, including the obscure provisions

Hidden or less-known statutes, understanding local court systems and judges, and a thorough knowledge of filing motions make huge differences in successfully defending a case. An attorney with a breadth of knowledge in the subtle details of criminal defense will make a significant impact on how successfully your case plays out. So whatever firm comes up in your search for “best law firms in Boston” or any other city, ask them to show you how they have won some of their more complicated cases.

Find representation

Beyond the details, the most important step is to find legal representation. If you are facing criminal charges, take immediate action to find someone who can support you, and defend your case. If you are in the Boston area, Keren Goldenberg and her associate Kayla Fahey are ready to discuss your options with you. You can contact us or call us now for a free consultation: (617) 431-2701.